About Our Love CDS Home Health Care
Hi, I'm Melissa Stevenson, Director of Our Love CDS, LLC founded in 2016. Born and raised in St. Louis, I grew up surrounded by four generations of LOVE. Grandma always made me clean up behind myself. She would say, "Take pride in what you do!" My Granny had a great big, beautiful heart, one of pure gold. Granny would give, give, and give some more. She would give the shirt off her back! My Ma would always say, "Melissa, always respect yourself so that you may grow to respect others. Respect will carry you a long way in life." Those three women were the root of my upbringing. As a little girl surrounded by elderly family, friends, and neighbors, I was always helping, whether it was carrying groceries, fixing Granny a meal, or helping Grandma out of her chair. It was Love, and I found my calling: to spread the love that was instilled in me into you. Love, true love, unconditional love, that's Our Love!
In loving honor of the late great Clara C. Jenkins, Bowling Hall of Famer, President of The St. Louis Bowling Senate, and my Granny!